BestMusic Live

Photo: Alex Csiki

BestMusic Live is on the market since 2004. BestMusic and METALHEAD are two of Romania’s most known music brands with over 2.000 shows since 2004. Two festivals are promoted each year by BestMusic: the boutique Shine Festival and the almighty Metalhead Meeting. After every year passes we add around 100 shows to our belt with over 150.000 tickets sold.

Official web-site


Shine Festival

Metalhead Meeting

Aroc is a young organization, but it includes experienced voices and who have demonstrated, over time, long-term involvement and good practices.
Contact US
Str. Prof. Grigore Cobălcescu nr. 7, Sector 1, Bucuresti
© Copyright AROC - Asociatia Romana a Organizatorilor de Concerte 2025. All rigths reserved.